BENEFITS OF DRINKING BEER - Country Wine & Spirits


Beer is literally the go-to-drink for most people around the world, so wouldn’t it be great to learn that there are actual health benefits to this amazing product? Some beer is high in calories, but the light beers are definitely worth trying. Beer contains fiber, which acts as a natural laxative. It also slows the rate at which food leaves your stomach, which means it suppresses appetite. Multiple studies have shown that beer drinkers had an approximately 30% lower risk of type-2 diabetes than test subjects who abstained. Beer drinking is associated with a reduced risk for gallstones, according to the Mayo clinic. If you want to keep bones strong, remember that beer can help with that. Researchers at Tufts University found a positive link between beer or wine consumption and hip-bone density. However, excessive drinking led to bone loss according to the same study. Just make sure to drink in moderation just like anything else in your life. Moderation is a really good thing.

Beer is known for being a social lubricant, meaning it helps loosen you up for when you are having shy moments or need a little boost of confidence. Having 2 beers a day can actually help prevent Alzheimer’s disease, according to a 2007 study at the University of Alcala in Spain. It’s even good for you muscles, and can help keep them from deteriorating. The bitter flowers used in brewing are known to be antimicrobial, which could fight off disease. If you are known to have some stress in your life, just know that a beer a day keeps stress and heart attacks away. Moderate alcohol consumption can reduce stress and anxiety. What’s cool about beer is that it is conveniently packages in a potion-control bottle so you can decide how many you’d like to drink without over doing it. Beer is full of B vitamins from the yeast. Unfiltered beer is especially high in B3, B6, and folic acid. B3 aids in cell repair, and B6 eases PMS (lady cramps). Folic acid aids in colon cancer prevention. So maybe drink a beer or two here and there without all the worry. Just remember to drink in moderation. Your body will thank you.